Zorbers and Lugers!

Hello again. It is Tuesday March 20, 705pm and we are way behind on our blogging.

We started out Monday morning with.....wait for it....ZORBING!! This where you get into these giant rubber balls and let gravity take over! We have seen these 13+ft wide clear rubber balls before in Mexico where grandson Isaac got into one and tried to move the ball across the pool, not very exciting. Well, about 15 yrs ago someone thought of rolling these things down hill and thus Zorbing was born!

At first, Naomi wanted to do it dry but the first place we stopped at only had wet runs (explanation in a bit) so we hit the next spot and they too only had wet. So, what the heck, we rented shorts, tee shirts and a towel and signed on the dotted line to absolve them of any responsibility in case of our early demise, injury..blah,blah..etc.

We payed for 2 runs. The first was a race straight down hill in our separate balls and no surprise, I won and no, I did not cheat. I just used physics to accomplish my goal (plus I weigh a bit more than Naomi). Next we took the zig zag course down the hill together and that was a blast!

After our guy gave us the usual safety instructions and Naomi gave me her usual "don't do" list (no elbows or knees in the face), we were ready to go. Ideally, you are supposed to dive through the opening into the ball but for some reason I kept getting hung up and had to actually pull my way through...it didnt go as smoothly for us as those slim European girls...imagine!

Before you get into the ball, they add some warm water so you actually sit in water as the balls roll; so the question of the day is: do you role faster with water in the ball or do you go faster with no water in the ball? We have a prize for the first person to give us the right answer!  We really do have a prize so best efforts here.

The staff at the facility did take some totally embarrassng shots of us while we were in the ball and afterwards and with any luck I'll be able to figure out how to down load them into a future blog. NOT!

I do have some shots from my camera and so here and now, I present the sport of Zorbing!!
The facility as seen from the parking lot

No yet wet but ready to roll

Here is the straight run where I beat Naomi on the downhill run. 

And here is the start of the zig zag run where we went together.
This is our over eager guy ( sorry dude, can't remember your name) who will gladly assist (shove) one into the sphere if they are unable to complete the entry maneuver in one dive.

And here is Naomi (I can't really decipher her expression at this particular moment)

I did have a quick visit with these guys but they were kinda stand offish for some reason. 
This is how they retrieved the balls for the next ride. They are building a new system plus a new run as well. We did talk with one of the owners; wonder how we could get this going in in the Red Deer area...always thinking of Naomi's next career choice.

We are going to post this segment now and will followup with the Luging next. So bye for now.

PS- I have been slowly working on Naomi that we should get small but matching Maori tattoos to commemorate our trip to New Zealand. Please, anyone who thinks this is agood idea please respond. You naysayers keep quiet!


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