
 Aloha! It is 0930am on Friday, March 30 and is also son Carter's 34th birthday.

We are now in Kauai after spending 4 nights in Oahu so we continue from there. The flight to Hawaii was almost 9 hrs long but Hawaiian Airlines provided full service so Bob watched 2.7 movies for free while Naomi slept most of the way.

We arrived in Honolulu around 0930am and we checked into the Ilikai Hotel in Waikiki. We were early but they had rooms ready so we got our room and were able to relax for a bit.

Next was a quick walkabout of the area and it had been raining that morning so it was not what we had expected.

Looking out from the hotel promenade to the marina across the street. Sky is cloudy and the streets are wet. We really hoped to have some sunny weather during our stay here in Hawaii
The locals said it been raining for 2 solid weeks previously and many tourists were complaining that they had been "ripped off". I guess most visitors just assume from all the brochures and from TV that Hawaii is nothing but sun and blue skys.

The sun did come out later in the day but we did have some scattered rain showers the first couple of days but the sun was out in full force the last 2 days and the tourist activity increased tenfold with the sunny weather.

The weather did start to improve so we took a walk along the path on the beach. Interesting trees here in Waikiki

Bob found another fish pond; those ducks are full sized

Outside elevators.....Naomi does not like these at all.
Our hotel was not right on the beach, we had the marina in front of us but right beside us was a man made lagoon separated from the ocean by a narrow strip of land.

They were setting up chairs, tents and huge umbrellas for a big 2 day Amway Japan conference.

The water is constantly being recirculated, total water change 4 times a day. It does get very busy here in good weather

The weather continued to improve on our first day and the evening was quite nice. Here is Waikiki at night from the hotel promenade.

The next day the sunny weather came through, and the tourists and the locals hit the beaches. Naomi and I decided to take a tour in and around Honolulu so we got on a double decker open top bus and away we went.
And with the sun come the people. Our tour bus driver noted the daily "board meeting" was starting out in those waves in the distance

Our driver Was born and raised in the area and had lots of interesting stories growing up in the area. Oops! We are having technical issues so we have to end this blog here and restart when able to. Bye for now


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