90 Mile Beach....with Cylone Hola looming in the distance

Hello all. It is about 5 pm on Monday, March 12. We just got back from Cape Rienga and the 90 Mile Beach...which is really between 50 to 60 miles.  Story goes early travellers went via the beach on horse back and it took 3 days to travel from end to end.  So, they knew they travelled about 30 miles a day and believed they had travelled a 90 Mile Beach...you guessed it, the name stuck. Cyclone Hola was or had been approaching the North end of the North Island within the last 24 hrs so our day started out raining but the rains stopped for us!  We completed the goal of reaching the most Northern part of New Zealand and seeing the two oceans meet...very cool.

We arrived from Paihia yesterday to the Ramada Resort Reia, Tampa Beach.  The town is called Taipa and is a very small place...blink and you'll miss it.

Naomi drove this time and I got a better chance to check out the countryside. We are having a "Best Driver" competition and each day we are counting how many times the windshield wipers are turned on when not needed.  This happens because the wipers are on our turning signal side....Naomi is the best driver so far.  We'll keep you posted as to the ultimate best driver.

NZ sure is a land of contrasts; a lot of the area very similar to driving through the BC interior and the Okanagan, but suddenly we are passing by a huge "hedge" of Bamboo with a huge hedge of Cedars on the other side! Down the road further we come across huge trees similar to our Elm trees with tropical bushes and trees beside them.  The variety of shrubs and trees is incredible plus Naomi spotted some species of flowers that do grow in Red Deer but not to the size of them here in NZ.

The Ramada Inn here is only one story high and is one long structure. When I asked why I was told that the lower profile was better suited to the cyclones that go through the area?? Our deck opens out onto the pool and hot tub and BBQ, which I will be using shortly to cook up some of this funny tasting NZ beef.

The view from our room and where the Barbeque is...no Naomi does not like the taste of the beef...chicken for her.

Our kitchen at the Ramada

Over sized King bed!

Our room was half way down this long hallway, rooms were on both sides.

Our kitchen in Pahai for comparison, both were very nice but Pahai a little nicer.

Here is a shot of the evening sky above our hotel. The leading edge of the cyclone's upper winds
Today our tour started at 0930am when the tour bus picked us up. With us on, the bus was completely full; next stop being smack dab in the middle of the 90 Mile Beach.

Actually, it is more like 55 to 60 miles but who's counting...Our driver and guide Robin did say that they do get stuck often and everyone has to push...not sure if he pulling my leg on that one?

Very hard packed sand.

We climbed up the sand dunes...a misting of rain and lots of wind.

Naomi in the Tasman Sea

And here we have a PR spot for Brent Keylock....wonder how much I can charge for this blatant publicity shot for Bank of Nova Scotia's Wealth Management in Red Deer, Alberta?

We are getting awful close to the surf here....our driver Robin had to negotiate his way through fresh water streams coming from the interior 
Sand dunes....huge dunes....and boogie boarding? Is something wrong with this picture?....nope!

Bob on his first run

I gotta do that again!!!

Here is another bus arriving to do the sledding. We turned off the beach and actually drove up a fresh water river called the Te Paki to reach the sand dunes

Old Bob here set the distance record for our bus and was challenged by fellow traveller Carl from the South Island, NZ

Here comes Carl on his third attempt to beat my record

See that line? That's my line! Carl had to "paddle" hard to beat me by a nose! Him and his wife Tracy live in the most southern part of the South Island
And now for some pics of Cape Rienga...where The Tasman Sea meets the gentler Pacific Ocean.

According to Maori folklore this is the union of male (Tasman Sea, rough and violent) with female (Pacific Ocean, gentler and resilient). The Tasman does appear rougher and approaches from the left in these pictures

Looking towards the headland that is actually the most Northern part of NZ. The lighthouse was originally there but moved to it's present location as it was easier to see...up to 35 km away

It was quite windy!

Amazing to see!

Trick photography??

Naomi knocked and the Lightkeeper anxiously said glad you're here!  Do you have any matches.....!?

Once we loaded up in the bus we headed back on Motorway 1 and stopped for a lunch of Fish and Chips at a ocean side campsite. A beautiful camping location....too bad for cloudy weather.

Our next stop was at place where ancient Kauri trees, over 45,000 years old, have been unearthed from the surrounding peat bogs and turned into works of art and furniture.

The central showpiece is a section of one of the unearhted trees that had a stairway carved into it!

Some pics of the staircase to give scale to the size of the tree.

And lastly here is a shot of our incredible driver and guide, Robin. I really admired his driving on these very winding and sometimes very narrow roads with this large bus. Good on you Robin and thanks for this incredible tour

We did not do the last stop because it was after our hotel.  Naomi was okay with this because we were literally at the back of the bus.  We had five seats ac ross and the man beside her had very bad BO.....whew it was a breath of fresh air to exit (literally!!)

Well, I have to fire up the BBQ for supper.
Bye for now


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