
Showing posts from March, 2018


 Aloha! It is 0930am on Friday, March 30 and is also son Carter's 34th birthday. We are now in Kauai after spending 4 nights in Oahu so we continue from there. The flight to Hawaii was almost 9 hrs long but Hawaiian Airlines provided full service so Bob watched 2.7 movies for free while Naomi slept most of the way. We arrived in Honolulu around 0930am and we checked into the Ilikai Hotel in Waikiki. We were early but they had rooms ready so we got our room and were able to relax for a bit. Next was a quick walkabout of the area and it had been raining that morning so it was not what we had expected. Looking out from the hotel promenade to the marina across the street. Sky is cloudy and the streets are wet. We really hoped to have some sunny weather during our stay here in Hawaii The locals said it been raining for 2 solid weeks previously and many tourists were complaining that they had been "ripped off". I guess most visitors just assume from all th


Hello again. It is almost 6am on Tuesday March 27 in the Ilikai Hotel at Waikiki, Hawaii.  We will soon be getting ready for our 7 hr tour that includes Pearl Harbor and other historical landmarks here in Oahu. But before I start I'm going to step back and add in something that I forgot to mention in our caving blog. We started out practicing jumping backwards into our inner tubes. That is exactly what we did, underground, in the dark, backwards, twice and from an unknown, to us, height above the water! There was more than one scream heard down there and not all of them were from the ladies! That was the ultimate test; trusting your guide when he says "trust me, you will be fine but you go first...just in case..." Well, we all did it and we survived and had a blast doing it. For some it was way out of their comfort zone, overcoming their fears and I did hear people saying that they just did something that they thought they would never do. Today's blog will fin