The authentic Fijian village experience

Sorry everyone! Somehow some, not all, of today's pics ended up in a haphazard order and I don't know how to change them. 

Today we went on the Jewel of Fiji day tour with Rod and Cheryl, fellow Canadians from Provost, Alberta. We got picked up at our resort by our driver William and guide Douglas who originally came from the village that we were to visit.

After a 90 minute bus ride we arrived at Navua to start our next leg of our journey by longboat. 

We had a 3 boat flotilla heading up river and our boat had a 40 hp motor instead of the 25 hp of the other two boats so we lead the way for most of the way to our first destination, Navua Falls.

Our guide told us that the movie Anaconda and it's sequel were filmed here because of it's wild jungle appearance. 

There were some shallow spots with white water rapids; the other 2 boats had to stop and have their passengers portage a short distance but Ty, our driver, just hit full throttle and we powered up through to calm water. It was a blast but no pics as it was too wet to pull out a camera just then.

At the falls we got out and walked up along the river tributary till we got to the actual falls; very impressive!

The water was cooler than we expected but very nice. There was a strong current at the base of the falls plus it was windy and ...noisy.

Half hour or so later we headed back to the boats to head downriver to the village, whose name I can't remember how to say. The villagers performed the traditional Kava ceremony followed by some tribal dancing and singing, including the Snake dance Conga line. Some of those village female seniors sure could shake their booty!

Afterwards we had dinner with food cooked in a traditional lovo, a pit dug into the ground. 

I did get appointed honorary visiting Chief and got the first drink of Kava of the ceremony and got to sit and eat in the Chief's chair. I tried bossing people (Naomi) around but ....didn't work. We finished up visiting the local Primary school then back on the bus for the ride home. A full day for sure.

Chief Bob taking the first drink of Kava

The ceremonial hall; no shoes or hats allowed

We did switch to Bamboo rafts for a short distance going downriver. This is how the farmers first brought their produce downstream to market. For some it was an all day trip.

Here is the traditinal cooking pit or Lovo
Inside the hall and the Elders welcoming us

The village ladies singing

On our way up to Navua Falls
Our guide Douglas and boat guy, Captain Ty

My first selfie of Naomi and I

Maybe there is a huge Anaconda lurking below!

One of the many waterfalls seen along the river
The entire school body of the Primary grades

Hard to get a accurate perspective but well over a 100 ft

A view of the community hall

Naomi got the timing perfect on this shot

Chief Bob surveying his domain

Naomi is in there somewhere

Just before we got wet

In the longboat heading up river
In the longboat heading upriver


  1. sounds great, wish we where there still with you both. have a afternoon beverage for us. xox Cheers


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