"Drowned Rats" on the jet boats.

Hello again from Fiji. It is about 08:10 on Wed, Feb 28.

Sitting on the deck watching the resort groundskeepers raking up leaves etc. A few birds chirping and water as still as glass except for the occasional fish jumping. Just heard a rooster crowing in the village beside us. Certainly are worse ways to start a person's day.

Yesterday we did the Sigatoka River Safari. Their shuttles came from both directions; from Nadi and from Suva which meant a very early start for some.

We all met in Sigatoka for the 20 km trip by shuttle upriver to our jet boat starting point. Once there we were divided up into groups, given life jackets and a safety briefing. Next was picking the group's Chief to represent us at the village where will stopping at. Any guess's as to who got picked? Yep, Yours Truly...I thought maybe it was my Regal bearing that got me the role again but Naomi burst that bubble by telling me it was because I was the oldest male in the group! What a let down!

Unfortunately we have no shots of the trip up or down the river because it was so wet. There was some incredible scenery along the way and our driver, Captain Jack, would occasionally stop and give us some history of the area.

One such place was a huge outstripping of rock. Many years ago some visiting Geologists checked it out and found the mountain was top quality marble. They were also conversationists as they told the village chief not to sell the land as it was too pristine a place to destroy with mining.

The village we landed at was one of 18 villages on the river that the tour takes turn at stopping at. We first had a little orientation at their church then headed over to the community hall.

We then started with the villagers formal greeting ceremony, followed by the Kava ceremony. Guess who got to have the first cup of Kava? Yep, me, Chief Bob.

Lunch was next and those village ladies went all out and prepared a feast with many different dishes; and the food was great, no complaints that I heard of.

Of course the entertainment followed lunch! Which was dancing..again...but as Chief I had to do my part, even doing the dreaded Conga Line!!!

Here they are bringing the Cassava root after 2 hrs in the cooking pit, or Lovo

Chief Bob front and center..again

Naomi and ladies sitting behind the men

The village ladies smeared baby powder on our faces....can't remember why?

Let the dancing begin!

I did survive the dancing without any major trauma and was happy to hear our guides say it was time to head back down river.

Problem was that it started to rain while we were eating and I mean a downpour! Negotiating our way down the now very muddy and slippery path from village to the boats was 'interesting'.

Into the boats we went and full speed home (I saw 80 kmh on the GPS device on the dash).

We were going so fast that the raindrops were actually stinging as they hit exposed flesh so most were ducking down behind the person ahead of them. Captain Jack did do a few 360 degree spins to keep it exciting.

Arriving at our dock couldn't come soon enough, we all felt like a bunch of wet and chilled "Drowned Rats" as we headed up to the dry staging area. The water was cascading down the concrete path was deep and fast enough to wash off our accumulated mud and debris we acquired coming down the muddy and slippery path from the village to the river....yes, a few of us slid down the path there, what a mess!

Good thing Naomi and I brought a change of clothes, others didn't. Next was getting on the shuttle and heading back to the resort and off to the pool followed by dinner at the Bamboo Terrace then bed..kinda anticlimatic I know.

Fred update: Oh, the drama....the mystery....the...whatever! It is a regular Peyton Place around here in Toadsville on the resort. Fred is still missing but I did check with the "Mongoose Mob" next door at the village and they denied any wrong doing in his disappearance but did ask if I had seen his brother Ted...something about outstanding gambling debts? I just played dumb on that one.

Speaking of Ole' Ted, his wife says she would take him back if he gives up his errant ways. Apparently he is enjoying his new Playboy lifestyle too much...a little gambling, a new pad (Fred's burrow), a new squeeze (girlfriend) every night and when he gets "wasted" (see earlier blog) one of the resort's gardeners just peels him off of whatever and plops him into his new pad.

I gotta check out a rumour going around but first gotta find his cousins Winston and Ed. I guess they are into the music scene and hang out over near the Pool Bar.

Will keep you posted. Bye for now.

PS...Tomorrow is our day to go dive with the Bull Sharks!


  1. Boy, this "CHIEF " title is going to go your head ..lol
    Sounds like the trip up the river ended like ours with torrential rain. How is Naomi feeling?
    If Sharol or I don't come down with something will be a miracle. The trip from Nadi to LA had the couple right behind us coughing steady all the way.
    Enjoy your shark dive! Watch that right cheek.

    Bob, the Cessna 150 is still for sale. Send me your email and when I find out more info I can let you know.


    Rod / Sharol


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