
Showing posts from February, 2018

This is a BS story - BULL SHARKS that is.

March 1st, 2018 We were up at 5:00 am today so that we could grab a bite and meet our cab at the lobby at 6:45.  The early start was fine by me (Naomi) as I dreamt of sharks all night so it was good to finally be on the road to Pacific Harbor for our booked shark dive. It was all business at the Dive shop with 16 divers arriving to gear up for the morning dives.  We were very glad we had taken care of all the paperwork on Monday as we were able to head straight to the equipment room.  Once there the Dive Masters had us put the gear we brought (masks, booties, fins, gloves and regulators) into individual bins that they took to our positions on the dive boat.  The next equipment selection was for the right fit of full wet shorties allowed on this dive....hmmm.  We then had to figure out our weights that would compensate for the buoyancy of a full wet suit and then add some more to ensure we would stay down with ease on the bottom.  I dove with 16 to 18 pounds a big increas

"Drowned Rats" on the jet boats.

Hello again from Fiji. It is about 08:10 on Wed, Feb 28. Sitting on the deck watching the resort groundskeepers raking up leaves etc. A few birds chirping and water as still as glass except for the occasional fish jumping. Just heard a rooster crowing in the village beside us. Certainly are worse ways to start a person's day. Yesterday we did the Sigatoka River Safari. Their shuttles came from both directions; from Nadi and from Suva which meant a very early start for some. We all met in Sigatoka for the 20 km trip by shuttle upriver to our jet boat starting point. Once there we were divided up into groups, given life jackets and a safety briefing. Next was picking the group's Chief to represent us at the village where will stopping at. Any guess's as to who got picked? Yep, Yours Truly...I thought maybe it was my Regal bearing that got me the role again but Naomi burst that bubble by telling me it was because I was the oldest male in the group! What a let down!

A Pacific Harbor day

Hello again from sunny, but sometimes rainy, Fiji.  We have learned it is best to tour in the morning and R&R in the afternoon as it typically will rain in the afternoon for a bit.  This is Fiji's rainy season and we're glad to have our collaspable umbrellas with us. It is just after 6 pm on Monday, Feb 26. Sitting here on the deck blogging; just got back from the pool and working towards getting ready to get dressed for dinner. I know, it's a long process...Fiji time. We had a relaxed start to the day and off we went to Pacific Harbor. We caught the Suva Express.  It is the locals transit system and very cost effective way to travel.  The trip from our resort to Pacific Harbor is about an hour one way and our total cost return was 20 FJD which is about 10 Canadian dollars.  Our first stop was to the local Post Office where we sent home via mail some stuff of ours (Carter it's coming to our address to you c/ o Dad).....we gotta keep our luggage weight down! So

A quiet day at the resort

Hello (Bula!). It is Sunday Feb 25. A big turnover day here at the resort. A lot have left but they will start arriving Sunday afternoon. Occupancy rate has been down to 24% as it is the low season. This afternoon we were down to 6 people in the pool with no kids yelling and screaming plus the water was much clearer today. I took a little walk around the resort and took a few shots. The garden pond up by the lobby had some large Koi in it I also met up with little Macey and family but she refused to model her braids for me and gave me quite the brush off. She really reminds Naomi and I of a certain daughter of ours at that age but we won't mention her name! Hah! I did get one good shot but off she went! So it was mostly a quiet relax by the pool day. Oops! Almost forgot about Fred! Here he is with his new "routine" Here's the new routine from the previous night. Yep....not much of song