Seasoned Travellers? - NOT

Seasoned Travellers is what we thought we were.  However, a
rocky start had us second guessing ourselves.  First we missed our booked bus transport to Calgary Airport because we thought our bus left at 4:30 PM....WRONG!!!  The bus left at 4:00.  So, being creative thinkers, we cabbed down to the Delta Airport hotel.  Great, the trip is on track so we went for dinner and then back to our hotel room where we discovered Bob's passport had been left by mistake in Red Deer.  The trip is now off track big time!!!  Carter and Sam came to our rescue and drove the passport to us in Calgary.  Thank God we discovered this Thursday night rather than at our check in Friday morning.  So, now we have been humbled and are triple checking everything.  Thankfully everything has gone perfect since our rough start.

Our first night in Hanoi - we went out at midnight and found friendly people out too!

We will check in with you again once we are a little more settled.  Great being here.


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