Hustling Hanoi

We have been in Hanoi for two days now.  What a busy city.  We have some great pics for you but first a picture of our wonderful guide Thui (Twi).

We have visited the "Hanoi Hilton" which is actually the Hoa Lo Prison which was built by the French in 1896 to hold political prisoners.  In Oct '54 Vietnam won their independence from France and the prison then held Vietnamese  criminals.  In Aug '64 to Mar '73 part of the prison was used for captured American pilots who were shot down in North Vietnam.

The female political prisoners that had children in prison had to raise their children in prison.

The men's prison was one large room 100 meters squared with bare shelves for beds.  They were shackled and had nothing else for comfort but each other (no blankets). Ventilation was very poor and they had buckets for use as their toilets so lots of diseases were rampant.

We have more pictures of the prison but we took them on Bob's phone....for those of you who know us, we are somewhat technically challenged.  So, we will now take pictures on ths tablet to make our sharing much easier.

In Hanoi they say when crossing streets to maintain an even pace - don't stop or run or you risk being hit.  There are 10 million people in Hanoi and 5 million bikes.  Take a look.

Our cab will be here in a minute so singing off for now.


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