Crossing from Vietnam to Cambodia aboard Jayavarman

Remember this really is how Bob started his Trishaw  trip the other day....No, he did not end  up in the same position.  His driver was having the time of his life - sitting in the back with a big grin and legs crossed as he sat back - waving to all the locals who all stopped to stare...This indeed was unusual and most laughed at the role reversal.  

We have one last day in Vietnam and most of it was spent on the upper deck as we cruised the Mekong.  Today we will be in Cambodia and then off the boat tomorrow to start our adventures in Phnom Penh,

Enjoying our last day / night on the Mekong.

Here we are at a floating fish farm and the above picture shows the business end of their huge grinder that they grind up the " fish meal" to feed the fish. They have about 3 species of fish here and the Catfish is one of them. This particular farm produces about 100 TONS of fish a year!

Feeding time...the fish rush to the top for their share.  Part of the ingredients in the mix being ground includes all that dried leftover rice that all villagers save to get money from the fish farmers.  We are standing above the fish pens.

What we can't show in this blog is the incredible smell (stink, according to Naomi and every other female tourist that went on this tour that day). It was not very long before our ladies were crowding the small dock outside, anxiously waiting for the ride back to our floating hotel.

Finally leaving the fish farm and the smell behind...Naomi got this shot because yup...she was the first back on the boat.

The Official Border Crossing  between Vietnam and Cambodia,  of course that means some changes...

The flag flying on the ship was changed to the Cambodian Flag very quickly.  You can see the Vietnam Flag come down  below.

Local's Ferry Slip near the border.

We had the opportunity today to enjoy an afternoon cooking class with the Head Chef on the Jayavarman.  We got to enjoy our Chicken Amok and Pork Fried Spring Rolls...let's just say our rolling is not great yet.  Our day ended with a great meal enjoyed in the company of new friends we'd met and then to our balcony to enjoy the sunset.  See you tomorrow.


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