Ford Island Aviation Museum

Hello again. This next blog probably more interesting to my flying friends. After we left the Pearl Harbor center we headed across the bridge connecting Ford Island with the mainland. We first had to stop and have the shuttle checked by security to  ensure we did not have any bags, backpacks etc on board.

We also had to stop at the security gate on the bridge for signing in and away we went. Our first stop was at Hangar 37 where we were to have a buffet lunch among the various displays.
Filming of the movie "Pearl Harbor" was done on site. That tower in the distance is actually a old water tower dressed up to look like a 1940 era control tower. It is in the movie when the airfield is attacked by the Japanese

These 2 shots are of the large map of the airfield as it was back in 1941

Having lunch beneath the P40. This what the Americans used to fight back with on that day

B25 Mitchell bomber. This is the type of plane that was used in the Doolittle raid; it showed the Japanese that they could be now reached and attackedfrom the air
A light observation aircraft of the day

This what the Japanese used that day at Pearl Harbor. The torpedo has the special wòoden tailfin attached to it so it would travel at a shallow depth. Beside it on the right is the type of aerial bomb that hit the forward magazine of the Arizona. She was hit and sunk within the first 15 minutes of the attack.

The front end of a Japenese Zero

This what is left of a Zero that crashed landed that day. A local Japanese helped the pilot and did set the plane on fire so the Americans could not study it

A P51 Mustang simulator

I wished I had the time to try one of these simulators

A variant of the F86 Sabre
Here is the field as it exists today. Right out in front of me is Amelia Earhart ground looped her twin engined airplane that she was to fly in for her round the world trip that she disappeared on

There was another hangar full of aircraft that I did not get to see because of time constraints but I did get a shot of these 2 Korean War aircraft. The top one is a Russian Mig and it flew against the F86 Sabre sitting below it

F15 To cat as seen in Top Gun

These planes were used extensively in Vietnam
Another Big post Korean War era

Canada used these as well. I remember seeing them at Comic in the 60's

Here is our next stop, the USS Missouri

Memorial to the men lost on the USS Oaklahoma
This concludes this segment of our tour of Pearl Harbor and next is our tour ot the USS Missouri. Naomi wants me to keep it brief as we are way behind in our blogging.

It is Thursday March 5 and we are sitting poolside at our hotel in Maui after spending a week in Kauai and as soon as I finish this we are gonna get wet!
Bye for now


  1. Thanks for posting these pics, I am enjoying you journey with you through posts.
    Team Traffic Racing


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