
Showing posts from April, 2018

Waimea Canyon, Kauai

Aloha. This next blog chronicles our next road trip up the West side of the island to Waimea Canyon. We set out on a cloudy day and drove at a leisurely pace along the coast until we saw the sign to Waimea Canyon so we turned off the main road and up we went. The canyon does have many branches and this is what we saw from the main road A little cloudy.... How's that for a cabbage leaf? National Guard radar dome.....why would someone take video of themselves walking? We saw a lot of selfie sticks being used on our holidays. Shades of NZ!! Narrow and winding road up to the canyon lookout. All her attention is on her driving....thankfully We made it back down okay and headed back to the hotel. The next day we were up early for our helicopter tour of the canyon. Naomi says this flower is called the Bird of Paradise  A good shot of our pilot Katie from the back. I tried some backseat piloting but sh