Plan A - Epic Fail

Well it has been an adventure today just as we promised.  We boarded at the Calgary airport without a glitch.  Our landing was smooth at LAX but the rest not so much.  We simply went to the United desk to get our next boarding passes and were told we could not travel the route we planned via Shanghai.  The reason given was that they said we required a travel visa to enter their country ( Shanghai, China).  So, we quickly had our luggage removed from the relieved that worked and are now overnighting in Los Angeles.

We have researched the policy and see that we could have done the trip under the 144 hour visa exception policy that is in place.  However, United Airlines rerouted us to Truk via Hawaii.  So, here we sit in LA having a nice dinner while in shorts contemplating a 6 hour flight tomorrow rather than the 13.5 hour flight we were booked for today.  We wil overnight in Hawaii tomorrow and than have an adventure island hoping to Truk the next day...not too bad a change.

We took on this adventure knowing flexibility would be the key so we're both going with the flow...we'll get o the boat on time and have an extra night in Hawaii as a result.


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