One Sleep Left

Only 1 more sleep until we board the plane(s) and head for our first adventure.  Our days have been very busy with finalizing all the last minute details that must be taken care of before leaving for 2 and 1/2 months of sun, fun and we hope an adventure or two that we will never forget unless dementia is in our futures - who knows about that one. LOL.

The preparation has been amazing and literally has taken us months from start to end.  The "to dos" have included things like finalizing the trip, ensuring all banking is done (not too tough a task for Naomi), cutting of keys for family and friends, arranging hair braiding ( for Naomi of course), refreshing on both diving and dive computers, packing and learning new technology (blogging).  We can finally say we are feeling ready and that's a good thing given we fly out on January 24th.

So today we will leave you with a picture of what we look like before we get on the plane tomorrow morning.  Thought this would be fun to have before and after pics.  Hope you enjoy our journey with us!!

Please leave comments for us as blogging is the way we can reach all of you and all of you can reach us via comments.  Just remember everyone will also be able to see what your comments are too....that's the whole blogging world or so I have learned.


  1. Woohoo!! So excited for you two! Sleep well, the fun really begins tomorrow!


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